Reading Golf Club wants to build a housing estate of 257 properties on its green land in Emmer Green. The local infrastructure can cope, and local residents have already objected in their thousands to the previous application.
Reading Golf Course location, not far from Caversham Park in North Reading.
Club members have been promised a big payout if the application goes ahead. The local community have already objected but we must do so again. If Reading Golf Club don’t get permission, the land will be more affordable and we can start considering a community bid.
Quick Reference
Council Application Number: 210018
Email to Object: (include your name & postal address to be considered, as well as the application number). Read on for further details on what you should include.
Letter: Planning Dept, Reading Borough Council, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading, RG1 2LU
Closing Date: 18th March 2021
If you objected to the last application 200713 then we have a created a search engine for you to find your previous comments;
Please contact your local councillors, they need to know how annoyed the community are! Contact details for councillors are here:
In the meantime, should you wish to submit your response now and make a more detailed submission later (but before March 18th), please do so; residents can make more than one consultation response if they wish.
The deadline for objections to RBC is 18th March 2021.
Reading Golf Course from the air. All the area seen is earmarked for development.
Please don’t think that you can’t do anything about this development as “developers’ money always wins”. The Gladman proposal for 245 homes on the north of Emmer Green was successfully fought off by CAGE with support from hundreds of local residents. With your support we can do the same!
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